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The generateRandomString() function generate a random string with customizable options.


optionsObjectAn object containing the options for generating the random string.
options.includeNumbersBooleanA boolean value indicating whether to include numbers in the generated string. Defaults to true.
options.includeSymbolsBooleanA boolean value indicating whether to include symbols in the generated string. Defaults to false.
options.lengthNumberA number indicating the length of the generated string. Defaults to 10.
options.secureBooleanA boolean value indicating whether to use a cryptographically secure random number generator. Defaults to false.
options.prefixStringA string to be added to the beginning of the generated string. Defaults to an empty string.
options.suffixStringA string to be added to the end of the generated string. Defaults to an empty string.
options.capitalizeBooleanA boolean value indicating whether to capitalize the first character of the generated string. Defaults to false.
options.lowercaseBooleanA boolean value indicating whether to convert the generated string to lowercase. Defaults to false.
options.uppercaseBooleanA boolean value indicating whether to convert the generated string to uppercase. Defaults to false.


  • String: The generated random string


  • Error: If an invalid option is passed


Generate a random string with default options:

const utils = require('utils-core.js');
const randomString = utils.random.generateRandomString();
//Output: for example: "xrp9F7YU6S"

Generate a random string with a length of 20:

const utils = require('utils-core.js');
const options = {
length: 20,

const randomString = utils.random.generateRandomString(options);
//Output: for example: "ac9J7Q2d8v3V3m4w6PKB"

Generate a random string with a prefix and suffix

const utils = require('utils-core.js');
const options = {
prefix: 'user_',
suffix: '_pass',

const randomString = utils.random.generateRandomString(options);
//Output: for example: "user_yrP5tT9V7T_pass"

Generate a random string with symbols included

const utils = require('utils-core.js');
const options = {
includeSymbols: true,

const randomString = utils.random.generateRandomString(options);
//Output: for example: "rN;cE|aT/l"

Generate a random string with numbers and symbols included, capitalized, and with a length of 5:

const utils = require('utils-core.js');
const options = {
includeNumbers: true,
includeSymbols: true,
capitalize: true,
length: 5,

const randomString = utils.random.generateRandomString(options);
//Output: for example: "Q3@D6"

Generate a cryptographically secure random string with a length of 50:

const utils = require('utils-core.js');
const options = {
secure: true,
length: 50,

const randomString = utils.random.generateRandomString(options);
//Output: for example: "Zl*<C7V8?pT0X1DyOx%mHgPbM#RUS$|]kwQ2)N!a3@f"

Generate a random string in lowercase:

const utils = require('utils-core.js');
const options = {
lowercase: true,

const randomString = utils.random.generateRandomString(options);
//Output: for example: "ehtkzvlyns"

Generate a random string in uppercase:

const utils = require('utils-core.js');
const options = {
uppercase: true,

const randomString = utils.random.generateRandomString(options);
//Output: for example: "YQJFZDGESM"