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The flattenObject() function flattens an object with nested properties into a flat object with path keys


objObjectThe object to flatten
prefixStringThe prefix to use for the path keys. Default ""


  • Object: The flattened object


  • Error: If the input is not an object


Simple object with no nested properties:

const utils = require('utils-core.js');

const obj = {
name: "sif",
age: 30,
city: "New York"

const flattenedObj = utils.objects.flattenObject(obj);
// Output: {
// "name": "sif",
// "age": 30,
// "city": "New York"
// }

Object with nested properties:

const utils = require('utils-core.js');
const obj = {
name: "sif",
age: 30,
address: {
street: "456 Main St",
city: "New York",
state: "NY"

const flattenedObj = utils.objects.flattenObject(obj);
// Output: {
// "name": "sif",
// "age": 30,
// "address.street": "456 Main St",
// "": "New York",
// "address.state": "NY"
// }

Object with arrays:

const utils = require('utils-core.js');

const obj = {
name: "sif",
age: 30,
hobbies: ["reading", "running", "coding"],
address: {
street: "456 Main St",
city: "New York",
state: "NY"

const flattenedObj = utils.objects.flattenObject(obj);
// Output:
// {
// "name": "sif",
// "age": 30,
// "hobbies.0": "reading",
// "hobbies.1": "running",
// "hobbies.2": "coding",
// "address.street": "456 Main St",
// "": "New York",
// "address.state": "NY"
// }

Object with null or undefined values:

const utils = require('utils-core.js');

const obj = {
name: "sif",
age: null,
address: {
street: "456 Main St",
city: null,
state: "NY"

const flattenedObj = utils.objects.flattenObject(obj);
// Output: {
// "name": "sif",
// "age": null,
// "address.street": "456 Main St",
// "": null,
// "address.state": "NY"
// }

Object with all ofthe above

const utils = require('utils-core.js');

const obj = {
name: "sif",
age: 30,
hobbies: ["reading", "running", "coding"],
address: {
street: "456 Main St",
city: null,
state: "NY"
contact: {
email: "",
phone: {
home: "555-4564",
work: "555-5678"
isMarried: false,
spouse: undefined,
notes: {
first: "Likes to read mystery novels",
second: "Runs 5 miles every day"

const flattenedObj = utils.objects.flattenObject(obj);
// Output:
// {
// "name": "sif",
// "age": 30,
// "hobbies.0": "reading",
// "hobbies.1": "running",
// "hobbies.2": "coding",
// "address.street": "456 Main St",
// "": null,
// "address.state": "NY",
// "": "",
// "": "555-4564",
// "": "555-5678",
// "isMarried": false,
// "spouse": undefined,
// "notes.first": "Likes to read mystery novels",
// "notes.second": "Runs 5 miles every day"
// }